
Ground Zero


Crazy Bill's
Outlaw Performance

What are you doing?

{12.2.01}  Man, what the hell was up with the Nebraska and Colorado game? I mean the buff's, come on. Happy Birthday Sooze!

{11.18.01}  I keep the Huskers, and the Cowboys pages updates weekly, Check them out. Nebraska has been kicking butt! While, Wyoming has been losing a majority of their games!

{9.28.01}  I've made a couple new pages for sports. One for the Huskers, and one for the Cowboys. I made them so that I could flaunt their wins over Colorado teams, to all my friends in Colorado. Mainly When the Huskers beat CU, and when Wyoming wins the border war against CSU. Check them out and let me know what you think.

{9.17.01}  "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
-- Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

{9.4.01}  It's getting close I can feel it!

{8.29.01}  One day, when you suddenly realize that you never get anything done, the obvious reason sticks out like a sore thumb. Too much time spent playing Diablo II, or Baulder's Gate.

Thanks , and

{8.24.01}  Ericco Suave's fool proof way of getting out of work early: 1. Contract some sort of viral/cold hybrid. 2. Fight it as best as you can with antibiotics, you know, get it really pissed off at you so that it stays around for 4 weeks or more! 3. Wait till it’s a desolate Friday at work. Make sure there are only two of you working in your department, so that when you do leave it really screws the other person. 4. Wait for an unsuspecting victim to wander into your department looking for your boss. 5. Invite them into your office as if your could help them instead(ha, ha). 6. Let them explain their needs, and when their finished, tell them about your cold, how you’ve had a staph infection and strep throat along an uncontrollable cough. 7. Sit back, relax, and laugh(cough, cough) about how as soon as you started explaining your troubles to your unsuspecting victim, they immediately remove themselves from the chair the were sitting in and start with the excuses on why they have to leave. 8. On their way out of your office, they bump in to one of the company director, and advise them NOT to go in there, because someone in there is about to die. 9. Let the director into your office, you know, so that he can visually verify you condition., "If you’re not felling so well Eric, why don't you go home?" "Uh, okay. If you think its necessary." "Well with you being sick and all, we really can’t afford to get the rest of the building sick. Take some time and get rested up. Eat lots of chicken soup!" 10. While you’re leaving think to yourself, "Damn, if I had really planned something like that it never would have worked." Have a nice day.

{8.17.01}  Man, oh man, I've had a cold for the past 3 FRICKIN' weeks. I think that might be a record, or something! And, to add to it all, my hard drive goes out on my new computer. I haven't even had the computer a whole year. Thank GOD I was able to write all my data to a CD-R, and thank GOD for warrantys. All the picture are done, and up to date.

{7.20.01}  Not much going on. I have some of the new jokes ready, but I would like to get all of them done before I upload any. There is 185 new ones, not to mention the new pictures.

{6.14.01}  Click HERE to see my music CD's for sale on!

{5.4.01}  I'm finally done. All pages work. All the old material is updated, but I have alot NEW stuff to bring in.

{4.27.01}  Oh, what a beautiful day. Here I am stuck in an office, a paper due on Tuesday, a garage to clean, finals are in 2 weeks, and all I want to due is relax in the sun... maybe work on the old falcon. What to do, what to do? I hate days like this. I have everything in the world to finish up, but I'd rather just have fun. Then it ends up that nothing gets finished, and to top it all off I wont have any fun. More than likely I'll end up watching something stupid on TV and then all of a sudden it will be Monday morning. Argh, it's snowballing, the pressure inside.

{4.6.01}  I swear every friday is the same... every minute drags by as though it were an hour. It will never end. I am caught in some sort of weird time.... Opps!! It's past five, time to go!

{3.16.01}  What a good movie! Great action scenes, but the whole flying thing looked too corny.

{3.15.01}  Man, oh, man, am I glad that I sold all of my stocks!! The whole thing has gone downhill, with no return in sight.

{3.7.01}  Work, work, work... Hello boys, how you doing?

{2.26.01}  Office politics...Everyone is fired, let's all go home! If you're looking for the Hooters/FBI go here.

{2.23.01}  Working on new site layout. Will it ever end? Some links work .....some don't.




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